In the dynamic landscape of education, where digital resources abound, the timeless significance of paper books persists. Dr. NagendraBabu's "Introduction to Materia Medica" emerges as an indispensable resource for both…

SJS is an acute, rare and potentially dangerous skin reaction that requires hospital administration.. It usually involves skin, mucus membrane, accompanied by systemic symptoms.
Most prevalent cause of its occurrence,…

'Selective pointers through Allen's Keynotes' feels like a refreshing revision of one of my favourites, Allen's Keynotes. The idea presented in the book where remedies with their key indications are…

Professional Conduct Etiquette and Code of Ethics for Practitioners of Homoeopathy Regulations, 2022
Professional Conduct Etiquette and Code of Ethics for Practitioners of Homoeopathy Regulations, 2022
New Delhi, the 13th December of 2022
In exercise of the powers conferred…

[20th September, 2020.]
An Act to provide for a medical education system that improves access to quality and affordable medical education, ensures availability…

I have gone through the write up and I must say that it provides a new perspective of studying and remembering Allen's Keynotes. Dr Shyam deserves kudos and congratulations for…

- Selective pointers through Allen's keynotes by Dr. Shyam Kumar Vaishnav, is a very useful and Handy book for U.G students, P.G. scholars and also for practitioners
-This work is…

Book Review on SELECTIVE POINTERS through ALLEN'S KEYNOTES by Dr. Kirankumar Gaddi
Allen's Key notes are the most validated and extensively used Homoeopathic Materia Medica by many Homoeopaths. Dr Shyam's…

Dr Shyam Kumar Vaishnav congratulations on publishing SELECTIVE POINTERS through Allen's keynotes.
The work created by you is an Exceptional example of understanding the materia Medica in a new way.…

Dear Dr Shyam Kumar Vaishnav,
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your book SELECTIVE POINTERS through Allen's Keynotes. I am always student of Homeopathy and I have…

Book Review on SELECTIVE POINTERS through ALLEN'S KEYNOTES by Dr Mallesh Reddy
"SELECTIVE POINTERS through ALLEN 'S KEYNOTES (with a note on Seasons, Habits, Do's & Don'ts in Cases)", published…

Dr. Shyam Kumar Vaishnav, the little master from the Andhra Pradesh is a focused, dedicated and a dynamic student of this healing art, Homoeopathy. The book 'SELECTIVE POINTERS through ALLEN'S…