A unique presentation to embrace the different works of Nash in a single volume to facilitate convenient reading of the master’s total work. The book is divided into 3 parts-
-First part dealing with materia medica
-Second part presents the repertory of chest and respiratory system along with case studies
– Third part describes the methods of case taking and some respiratory diseases.
This is a compilation of some really worthy literature in Homeopathic materia medica written by Dr Nash which includes-
-Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics
– Regional Leaders
– Leaders in Respiratory Organs
– Leaders in Typhoid Fever
– Leaders for the Use of Sulphur
– The testimony of Clinic
– How to Take the Case & to Find the Similimum.
The purpose of this work is to make practical inroads to a systematic understanding of materia medica, enabling the student to differentiate between the more and less important symptoms. A useful repertory and case taking discussed in separate sections adds to the practical utility of the book. The entire text has been presented in a manner that will facilitate convenient reading of the master’s total work all at one go, maintaining the essence of the subject.
– Exhaustive discussion on each remedy with respect to its drug picture, keynotes, therapeutic indications and case references
– More important symptoms in bold, lesser in italics and least in roman
– Case references with their source
– Therapeutic index for common reference
– Repertory of the diseases of respiratory system included
– Comments on various diseases discussed with special reference to their case taking.
Ajeet Kumar –
Good book for practice and to compare the medicine specifically
zamia –
Excellent book for any homeopathic physician who wants to get better results in practice. Enjoyed the book and it will be a great reference book got the clinic. Excellent differentiation of remedies. Five stars for sure!
Manali –
Must have book for a homoeopath.
Dr Anum Zaheer –
ne of my favourite parts is “how to take a case & find simillimum, importance of observation, family history & locations in clinical practice along with examples. Dr Nash elaborated about constitution, temperament & how inevitable they are in totality of case, he praised Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket book as well. A very interesting section where patients language converted into rubrics like effort to think made mind seems b … Read more
ne of my favourite parts is “how to take a case & find simillimum, importance of observation, family history & locations in clinical practice along with examples. Dr Nash elaborated about constitution, temperament & how inevitable they are in totality of case, he praised Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket book as well. A very interesting section where patients language converted into rubrics like effort to think made mind seems blink- aggravated by mental exertion, not just mental but particulars too example stomach get sour- sour eructation Finally in summary he advocated necessity of thorough case taking & case working out, skillfull application of remedy relationship, how important simillia similibus curantur is in prescribing and homoeopathy is valuable in line of prophylaxis
About the reviewer; Dr Anum Zaheer, B.H.M.S., MD (Hom), PGDEMS, Gold Medalist, Homoeopathy Heals, Pune. She is now the face of Homeopathy not just in Pune City, but all over India. She is a versatile Homeopathic physician specialized in treating various chronic conditions with a patient-centric approach. She is also engaged as guest lecturer at Dr N.M.Patel Homeopathic Medical College, Gujarat and is one among the most sought after teaching faculties for various homoeopathy programs and webinars both in India and internationally.