One of the homeopathy crowning achievement is the use of “patients” own expression for the selection of an accurate similimum and this book solves the very purpose accurately. The hallmark of case taking in Homoeopathy is the understanding core of the individual, his mental status, psychological and behavioral aspects. More importance is given to reactions and sensations of the emotions rather than emotions or the feelings itself and Dr H A Roberts greatly emphasized on patient’s own expressions as an important aspect of case taking. Subjective symptoms, as these are called, have been found extremely valuable in clinical practice. Although these symptoms were found scattered in ‘homoeopathic repertories’, there was hardly any authoritative work on them till the publication of this one.
1. Dr. W.A. Yingling for the original impulse to compile such a work by sending the numerous symptoms he had collected for this purpose.
2. Interleaved copy of Holcomb’s work
3. Hering’s Guiding Symptoms,
4. Clarke’s Dictionary and Allen’s Handbook.
5. Anshutz’s New, Old and Forgotten Remedies
Our special new edition has been upgraded in the following ways:
– Abbreviations and names of drugs have been standardized according to Synthesis in the whole text.
– Improved and more readable font has been introduced with increased font size.
-The size of the print area has been increased from 6 x 3 inches to 7×4 inches.
We may see cases where the regular course of repertorization fails to reveal the simillimum. It is in such a case that the special repertory may provide a clue to a remedy not included in the general repertory, or not so strikingly brought to our mind. This is the field of Sensations As If, as one possible indicator of the elusive simillimum.
We hope the above changes will make this monumental work even more useful.
ekkum kaur –
Very useful in finding similimum…every homeopath must have this book
Surendar –
Very useful book…excellent work..hats off to the master
Vishal Jawane –
The book is value for money.